In this beautiful journey of life.. We meet so many wandering souls just like us! A few match our frequencies and we instantly connect to them.
Once you observe people, you'll know everybody is walking a path, that is parallel with the path you are walking, but each has its own way.
I am lucky enough to meet bunch of people I cherish! There's one girl whom I met a year and a half back in my college, and this write up is about that enthusiastic human being.
Off late I met her at her cousin's wedding reception ( Yes, I was duly invited . We do such crazy things like a boss. Na jaan.. Na pehchaan types)
As soon as I saw her, I hugged her! I was meeting her almost after 6 months. I realized nothing changed. She still greeted me with a swear word and we burst into laughter. That's her style.. She greets people close to her like this!
That day this girl was blooming in an euphoria mode! She was running around, taking care of the guests that stepped in, and was still enthusiastically clicking pictures with the bride and the groom! As I was sitting back and tasting the delicious delicacies... I observed this mad woman!
Simple. Smiling. Giving. People's person. The tom boy. The insane tam brahm.
As she reads this I am sure to receive a nicely worded text message ( sarcasm) and I will more than anything love it.
There are few people who come with such great positive vibe that make all the pessimism disappear in you, if any. These people find happiness in making other people smile.
Speaking of all this , does not mean we never fought. A sugar coated relation can cause you diabetes, I like hot and sweet.
Possessing the same temperament as of mine, we had clashes! But just as they temper shoots up faster.. It comes down faster too. She isn't perfect. Nobody is!
But what I love about her is she is herself! And that's the whole saga of life.. If you are not yourself, what's the point in living anyways.
That day, Charu's positive energy made me realize that I really crib over petty issues. There is a lot to be lived there. In this uncertain environment.. Why waste time worrying.. Kick those worries. Go mad. Go crazy. Dance to the tunes of life. You don't need alcohol to get you drunk. Surround yourself with such people and you'll know ;)
P.S : Charu, thank you :)